The Life That Has Been

I think this blog proves that when you are too happy or too sad, you do not have time to pause--to take a snapshot, or at least to write them down. You simply share them to those closest to your heart, hoping but not demanding that they would remember these as well as you do. At times, I feel I should have had a photograph to remind my failing memory but at times I also feel that the MOST MEMORABLE will remain, not just in photographs, but in my ever failing mind and heart. Those that Father time takes with him, I guess, I shouldn't remember...for a reason.

So many times, being forgetful saved me. It saved me a lot of pain, a lot of grudges, a lot of not-so-important people. It feels good to forget. But you NEVER forget everything. And those that I do not forget make me think, make me move, make me live. Life has become simple as I matured. I love tne youth I had but I loved life better now that I no longer need to give a f*ck about everything around me. Only to those that matter. Only to those that fill my heart with life, not necessarily love.

Love will not have life if you do not know how to live. Now, I am starting to understand that LOVE is not as fanciful as we see it on screen. In fact, it is SIMPLE, boring at times, but very meaningful. I've had my dose of CHALLENGING times but LOVE I guess makes all these simple. LOVE simply tells you to STAY. Stay sane, for problems will leave when they are ready to teach a lesson. LOVE tells you to CHOOSE. Choose only what matters, what doesn't, you ask them to leave without hurting them. If they stay, then, I guess LOVE told them to. When love was once with other people, I find it hard to control. But when, I saw it IN me. I was easier to fall in love because you know exactly what other saw in you because you saw it yourself. And that is why, even if my hair has never been in place lately, I STILL feel beautiful because I know it was not JUST my hair. I have something in me that is more stable where I and PEOPLE who appreciate me anchor on. They stay, because they continue seeing the beauty I saw in me.

Despite everything, GOD has been my peace of mind and heart. Thank You for being the conductor in my orchestra. Now, it plays mellow music. That I had to play it now, write this blog and once again be reminded that I may not be VERY HAPPY and VERY SAD right now to be able to write this I need to tell time to simply STOP taking this small time I can go back and pick up these pieces of lessons.


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