
Showing posts from 2018

Now Leave And Let Me Rest

--> Now leave and let me rest. Dame Pleasure, be content- Go choose among the best; my doting days be spent. By sundry signs I see thy proffers are but vain, And wisdom warneth me that pleasure asketh pain; And Nature that doth know how time her steps doth try, Gives place to painful woe, and bids me learn to die. Since all fair earthly things, soon ripe, will soon be rot And all that pleasant springs, soon withered, soon forgot, And youth that yields men joys that wanton lust desires In age repents the toys that reckless youth requires. All which delights I leave to such as folly trains By pleasures to deceive, till they do feel the pains. And from vain pleasures past I fly, and fain would know The happy life at last whereto I hope to go. For words or wise reports ne yet examples gone 'Gan bridle youthful sports, till age came stealing on. The pleasant courtly games that I do pleasure in, My elder years now shames such folly to begin. And all the fancies s

The Life That Has Been

I think this blog proves that when you are too happy or too sad, you do not have time to pause--to take a snapshot, or at least to write them down. You simply share them to those closest to your heart, hoping but not demanding that they would remember these as well as you do. At times, I feel I should have had a photograph to remind my failing memory but at times I also feel that the MOST MEMORABLE will remain, not just in photographs, but in my ever failing mind and heart. Those that Father time takes with him, I guess, I shouldn't remember...for a reason. So many times, being forgetful saved me. It saved me a lot of pain, a lot of grudges, a lot of not-so-important people. It feels good to forget. But you NEVER forget everything. And those that I do not forget make me think, make me move, make me live. Life has become simple as I matured. I love tne youth I had but I loved life better now that I no longer need to give a f*ck about everything around me. Only to those that matter